Hungry Miners in Congo Are Killing, Eating Endangered GorillasHungry Miners in Congo Are Killing, Eating Endangered Gorillas

Hungry Miners in Congo Are Killing, Eating Endangered Gorillas

Jul 18, 2017· With fewer than 4,000 Grauer's gorilla remaining in the wild, these 400pound (182kilogram) cousins of the betterknown mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) are being shot and killed by hungry gorillas live in large groups, can be readily tracked and make for easy prey for people working mines that are often militiacontrolled and located illegally within nature reserves.
Is Your Smartphone Killing Gorillas? | HuffPostIs Your Smartphone Killing Gorillas? | HuffPost

Is Your Smartphone Killing Gorillas? | HuffPost

While much of the coltan in the Congo is mined legally, because of the worldwide demand and high price, more coltan is mined illegally in the Congo by local militia groups. The horrifying thing is that at these remote illegal mining operations, to feed the miners, poachers are hunting and killing gorillas .
Illegal mining hits Congo gorilla population ...Illegal mining hits Congo gorilla population ...

Illegal mining hits Congo gorilla population ...

Apr 06, 2016· The world's largest gorilla subspecies has seen its population fall 77 percent over the past two decades, a trend linked to illegal mining for coltan, a key mineral used in the production of cell phones and electronics, a new report has found. Grauer's gorilla, the planet's bigge ...
Coltan mines have killed the majority of elephants and ...Coltan mines have killed the majority of elephants and ...

Coltan mines have killed the majority of elephants and ...

Coltan is an important mineral for the manufacture of mobile phones, plasma TVs, laptops, digital cameras, satellites and various other technologies. And columbite and tantalite have their major focus of mining in Africa, which accounts for 80% of all coltan used by electroelectronic industries in the world.
Agriculture, mining, hunting push critically endangered ...Agriculture, mining, hunting push critically endangered ...

Agriculture, mining, hunting push critically endangered ...

Jul 24, 2019· In 2018, Virunga National Park, located in eastern DRC and home to the largest population of mountain gorillas in the world, ... Section 1502 of the DoddFrank Act, passed in 2010 to better regulate "conflict minerals," has helped reduce mining for coltan in the area, but coltan, cassiterite, and gold are all still mined in the region ...
Coltan | Sustainable Community Action | FANDOM powered by ...Coltan | Sustainable Community Action | FANDOM powered by ...

Coltan | Sustainable Community Action | FANDOM powered by ...

Coltan (short for columbite–tantalite and known industrially as tantalite) is a dull black metallic ore from which the elements Template:Niobium and Ta are extracted. The niobiumdominant mineral in coltan is columbite (after niobium's original American name, columbium), and the...
Coltan Mining Congo Term PaperColtan Mining Congo Term Paper

Coltan Mining Congo Term Paper

This will then set off a chain reaction to the mountain gorillas who will leave their designated habitat to somewhere else which will then set off a chain reaction to children mining for coltan which will then set off a chain reaction to people killing each other for the coltan because of its value in price.
Mountain Gorillas, Natural Resources, and PeopleMountain Gorillas, Natural Resources, and People

Mountain Gorillas, Natural Resources, and People

In the wartorn DRC, coltan mining is often hosted by warring factions. In addition to the grave human cost, it also occurs in the area that is also home to the last mountain gorilla populations in the world. There are approximately 800 mountain gorillas left and there are none in captivity; they don't survive.
Gorilla Safe website in development (5/7/16), for ...Gorilla Safe website in development (5/7/16), for ...

Gorilla Safe website in development (5/7/16), for ...

Gorilla Safe website in development (5/7/16), for educational resources mainly about gorillas, coltan mining, tantalum capacitors used in cell phones, and business ideas to use conflict free coltan .
Illegal mining hits Congo gorilla population: conservationistsIllegal mining hits Congo gorilla population: conservationists

Illegal mining hits Congo gorilla population: conservationists

Apr 06, 2016· By Ed Stoddard. JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) The world's largest gorilla subspecies has seen its population fall 77 percent over the past two decades, a trend linked to illegal mining for coltan, a key mineral used in the production of cell phones and electronics, a new report has found.
Coltan | Democratic Republic of Congo (1990s ...Coltan | Democratic Republic of Congo (1990s ...

Coltan | Democratic Republic of Congo (1990s ...

Coltan Boom, Gorilla Bust : The Impact of Coltan Mining on Gorillas and Other Wildlife in Eastern DR Congo. Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund Europe, Born Free Foundation, 2001. Sutherland, Ewan. Coltan, the Congo and Your Cell Phone. Social Science Electronic Publishing. Social Science Research Network. April .
Recycle old phones to stop putting Gorillas in danger ...Recycle old phones to stop putting Gorillas in danger ...

Recycle old phones to stop putting Gorillas in danger ...

Sep 18, 2019· An important material for making mobile phones is columbitetantalite or coltan, and it is one of Congo's natural resources. Plus electrical gadgets are manufactured with it. In 2009, there were 300 gorillas killed in Southern DRC in relation to the coltan mining done in the same location.
Wildlife Wednesday: Welcome a New Western Lowland Gorilla ...Wildlife Wednesday: Welcome a New Western Lowland Gorilla ...

Wildlife Wednesday: Welcome a New Western Lowland Gorilla ...

Coltan is a mineral used in the production of cell phones, and mining for this mineral makes habitats unsuitable for gorillas and other wildlife. Recycling old cell phones and other electronics is a great way to reduce the need for coltan mining and, in turn, help conserve these amazing animals and their habitat.
Kahuzi Biega National Park Congo Gorilla Trekking Tours ...Kahuzi Biega National Park Congo Gorilla Trekking Tours ...

Kahuzi Biega National Park Congo Gorilla Trekking Tours ...

Gorilla Trekking guide in kahuzi biega in congo is an encounter with the few remaining eastern Lowland Gorillas, which will reward you a clear comparsion of Mountain Lowland Gorillas in Africa. However only two Gorilla Families are conserved and Open for Gorilla Trekking by .
Australia's Tantalum, The Most Important Element You've ...Australia's Tantalum, The Most Important Element You've ...

Australia's Tantalum, The Most Important Element You've ...

May 11, 2012· Mining coltan in the Congo also brings along another problem — due to the distance from home or camps, miners often kill and eat gorillas ... Australia's Tantalum, The Most Important Element .
The conflict mineral: coltan mining in DR ... The StrategistThe conflict mineral: coltan mining in DR ... The Strategist

The conflict mineral: coltan mining in DR ... The Strategist

Jul 22, 2013· The media first began reporting that warlords in the DRC were profiting from coltan in 2001. But once Congolese coltan flooded the market, the price returned to preboom levels. Most of the world's coltan/tantalite comes from modern largescale mines which abide by safety and environmental standards (such as in Australia).


Because of uncontrolled mining, the land is being eroded and is polluting lakes and rivers, affecting the ecology of the region. The Eastern Mountain Gorilla's population has diminished as well. Miners are far from food sources and have been hunting gorillas. [29] The gorilla population has been seriously reduced and is now critically endangered.
COLTAN – Before You Upgrade Your Cell Phone – Just ...COLTAN – Before You Upgrade Your Cell Phone – Just ...

COLTAN – Before You Upgrade Your Cell Phone – Just ...

Mar 17, 2018· Coltan and Gorillas. The main area where Coltan is mined, also contains the Kahuzi Biega National Park, home of the Mountain Gorilla. In Kahuzi Biega National Park the gorilla population has been cut nearly in half, from 258 to 130 as the ground is cleared to make mining easier, which has reduced the available food for the Gorillas.
Conservation Cove : Gorillas on Cell PhonesConservation Cove : Gorillas on Cell Phones

Conservation Cove : Gorillas on Cell Phones

Evidence: One quote that I found that proves the authors message is to raise awareness about the harmful affects on gorillas that coltan mining has is "Kahuzi Biega National Park is the main area where Coltan is mined is the home of the Mountain Gorilla. The gorilla population in Kahuzi Biega National Park has been cut nearly in half, from 258 to 130 as the ground is cleared to make mining easier.
Mining coltan | Cells 4 GorillasMining coltan | Cells 4 Gorillas

Mining coltan | Cells 4 Gorillas

Weblog with information on saving mountain gorillas through the collection of used cell phones. Cells 4 Gorillas. Cell Phones Hurt Gorillas? » Mining coltan. Leave a Reply Cancel reply.


MINING IN GORILLA FORESTS – COLTAN, CASSITERITE, DIAMONDS, GOLD, COBALT AND URANIUM. Mining camps impact gorillas mainly through logging activities and through bushmeat hunting to supply workers, sometimes even slaves, with food. An NGO, Global Witness, has accused several companies, such as THAISARCO, the world's fifthlargest tinproducing ...